This is a blog dedicated to the West Los Angeles shelter dogs. Here you will find useful information on these wonderful adoptable dogs and what type of person might be a good match for them. The main goal of this blog is to encourage more people to adopt shelter dogs! Please support SAAFLA, a non-profit organization that facilitates the rescue of shelter dogs as well as offering education and support to adopters of shelter dogs.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Apple is alone now -- facing the fate of too many momma dogs once their puppies are adopted. This girl and I have been for many walks together; met total strangers at the main shelter to whom she offered her soft and luscious kisses; passed far too many new dogs coming in and far too few going out.
We took Apple to our mobile last weekend. She was loving and sweet with everyone she met -- except one bigger alpha female. Today I got word that, upon meeting little dogs, she wanted to NUZZLE THEM -- like the puppies that she nursed for weeks. Apple is learning to accept larger dogs and has now been kenneled with one. It took her a few moments to get used to being sniffed -- but she has been fine since then. Those of you who know me understand that I am beyond cautious in my recommendations. I believe in Apple -- I want to see this dog bring happiness to whoever saves her life. SHe is mellow and sweet. Someone suggested that she be a therapy dog -- could absolutely see that.
When I received word today that her time was critical, I panicked. I can't look at this face without smiling; without remembering her jumping up to greet me in complete abandon and delight; without remembering how it feels to put my arms around her thick neck and very wide middle (she must have gained 10 pounds while at the shelter!!!). Apple's portrait brightens up this page as I type. She brought life into this world. Apple needs someone to give her the gift of life now. If you can help, please contact South L.A. immediately at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And I beg you to let me know that you have succumbed to her charms.
With sincerest thanks, Andrea (& Mindy) (323) 363-4909
Please contact me asap if you can help this lovely girl. Andrea (323) 363-4909
She is at the South L.A. shelter and would love to meet you -- 3612 11th Ave. L.A. 90018 (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
Downtown Dog Rescue - plea for a homeless dog owner
Thank you for caring enough to read this plea!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
This girl is sweetness dogified! The stories surrounding Sweetie are terribly sad. Thought to be used as a 'bait" dog, she was supposedly recovered from a meth lab explosion! Who knows what the real story may be but she is most definitely covered with scars. She tends to stay in her cubby in the kennel but as you can see, when she is out she's amazingly sweet and friendly!
Save a Pit Bull! Sweetie deserves a real chance at life!
Henry-A1140473 at Shelter since AUG 8!
more on our friend Henry... look at this friendly fellow! he obviously loves the ladies!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Goofy gus named Henry A1140473, don't hate me cos I'm a BBD

Henry- 2 years old Black Shep mix
What a fun loving boy Henry is or can be when he's lucky enough to hang out with someone long enough to relax and be his regular old self. This boy is sweet and full of energy. He'd love to have a nice yard to run around in, maybe learn a few tricks, play fetch, the works! Definitely a dog who would benefit greatly from some training. Great guy to run with! I know his person is out there somewhere, he's too good to pass up! Henry is urgent! He's been at the shelter since August!!!!!!

Favorite- 7 years old Pit mix
How could someone, right before Xmas no less, dump their dog of 7 years at the shelter for no good reason??? The irony that his name is "favorite" doesn't escape me... It's just so sad. This is a very good dog, except right now he's super depressed. Favorite is so sweet and mellow. He's a good guy and appears to do well with other dogs too! He's very quiet at the shelter even with all that barking going on. I would love to see this boy go to a family with some kid because, apparently Favorite loves kids!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Terry A0958517 = Great dog needs a home NOW!
Wow, what a face!!! Maybe I'm a little self absorbed but a dog has to tell it like it is in order to get out of this place. My name is Terry and I am a 3 yr. old neutered Staffordshire Terrier/German Shepherd mix. People, especially those who love me, have been heard to comment on my magnificent face and yes, my eyes are pleading for someone to rescue me from the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter where I have been since August 16, 2010...
I can tell you in all honesty that I am adored by the volunteers who work with me. Would I lie to you? Never!! My volunteer buddies describe me as sweet and a "good boy". They love to spend time with me and, of course, I eat it up. I am a little timid at first but once I get to know you I warm up real fast. I don't like walking through the shelter because all of the barking and chaos makes me a little nervous but once out in the yard I am one very happy boy. I love to run, run, run and if anyone really looks closely they will see that I am laughing. This for me is the good life at least for that moment which sadly will end all too fast.
I am proud to tell you that I walk well on leash and even passing strangers on the street does not bother me at all. I don't react to other dogs because they want homes just like I do. I absolutely love to have my back rubbed but then who doesn't. I wish that I could convince you what a really nice dog I am and how very badly I want a forever home.
Please help me find a home of my own and people who will love me and treat me with kindness. My time is running out. Please help me!!!
P.S. Terry came in with Rocky (black Pit Bull) so evidently he's friendly with other dogs. Of course, proper introduction first!!!
West LA City Shelter 310-207-3266 Tues-Sat 8-5, Sun 11-5
11361 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Contact: Samantha Westbrook, NEW HOPE COORDINATOR
213-485-0494 / CELL 213-792-5811