Shadow's Fund
They deserve our help, please donate if you can!
from the website:
URGENT HELP NEEDED TO SAVE THE SANCTUARY: For the past 16 months Shadow’s Fund has worked without pause to create and sustain the Sheltering Oak Sanctuary.
We’ve dug trenches and built fences. We’ve created a new home for rescued animals and have restored the land that is home to wild animals. We’ve gently welcomed dogs – bruised and broken – into the safety and love of the sanctuary, and we’ve joyfully (and sometimes tearfully) wished them well as they have moved on to their forever homes. We have marveled at the selfless volunteers that give their time and their hearts to help a dog heal, and how the dogs in turn have helped people heal. From disabled adults to at risk youth, from those in need of a community to connect with to those required to perform community service, the sanctuary has been a place of hope and healing for people too.

This incredible place serves as a safety net to the most vulnerable shelter dogs – the lost and lonely grey muzzled seniors and the feared and misunderstood pit bulls. Here they all get love and a 2nd chance.
Today, we are at a major turning point. One which will determine whether this seed we planted will grow and flourish, or wither and die. The land we are leasing is for sale and we have very little time to raise the down payment. We’ve come a long way, but we have a long way to go. What would you give to see a sanctuary grow?
The sanctuary has been a miracle for so many dogs out of time and out of hope. Now the sanctuary needs a miracle. We have one shot to make this happen and that shot is now. Please make a contribution today.
There has never been a time when we needed you more.
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