This is a blog dedicated to the West Los Angeles shelter dogs. Here you will find useful information on these wonderful adoptable dogs and what type of person might be a good match for them. The main goal of this blog is to encourage more people to adopt shelter dogs! Please support SAAFLA, a non-profit organization that facilitates the rescue of shelter dogs as well as offering education and support to adopters of shelter dogs.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Downtown Dog Rescue Does It Again 9/26!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
I love the band Rufus and Rotties!
Rufus the Rottie needs a home - $75 to qual. rescue, running out of time at S. LA! (A1059173)
Rufus can probably make more friends on a 15-minute walk than any Rottweiler around. During a recent trip around the shelter nothing bothered him including hysterical barking from nearby dogs big and small. Crowds of people including children encircled him at one point, as a visiting trainer used him as an example of what a relaxed and friendly dog looked like. For extra credit, Rufus even stopped to greet a scared Husky by bowing down and licking the dogs lips.
Rufus is 2-3 years old, has a perfect temperament, and is very intelligent. He knows some basic commands, and hardly pulls on the leash after a couple of corrections. In the right hands, he could be trained to be an amazing dog.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More on that cutie, Chloe!
Great videos of our WLA dogs at blackjacksbark on YouTube! Done by our own, Debbie Fan, Volunteer/dog trainer extraordinaire!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wow, there are some RAD doggies at WLA!!!

This is just a small sampling of the many wonderful dogs that are currently at the shelter. We have loads of little guys, medium cuties and of course larger sweetie pies! You just have to go to the shelter to see them, it's definitely worth the trip!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Both of these cuties at ROXBURY PARK 9/12 from 11 to 4pm!
These doggies need homes as soon as possible!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
SB 250 sad but true...
Efforts to reduce pet overpopulation gear up for halftime negotiations, education
Florez hopeful members will see true intent, move to save pets and tax dollars
SACRAMENTO – Senate Majority Leader Dean Florez, D-Shafter, announced today that his measure to reduce pet overpopulation and needless euthanasia will be put on hold until January, as supporters use this “halftime” to engage in negotiations to garner the 13 votes necessary for passage in the California State Assembly.
Senate Bill 250, The Pet Responsibility Act, encourages pet owners to license their pets in an effort to reduce the $250 million spent in this state each year to house and kill unwanted pets in already overburdened local shelters. Owners who choose to keep an unaltered dog would need to obtain an unaltered license and abide by existing local animal control ordinances; licensing is already required for all dogs in the state. SB 250 also requires that cats which are allowed to roam freely be altered.
Florez is excited that SB 250 has made it further in the legislative process than previous attempts to encourage responsible pet ownership, some of which mandated spaying and neutering and usurped local control – measures he opposed. He is hopeful that additional time to clarify the bill’s intent and explain to members how it differs from past legislation will allow it to move forward to the Governor’s desk in January.
Exceptions have already been made in SB 250 for service dogs, hunting dogs and dogs working in law enforcement. The bill would not affect current law which protects owners from being cited at private events on private property, such as dog shows. Florez has pledged to continue working with members to address their concerns, so long as the intent of the bill remains intact.
“Opponents have falsely labeled this bill as mandatory spay and neuter, and many of the untruths being spread have given members pause. I look forward to sitting down with those members over the recess so the true intent of this bill can be made clear, and we can get to the business of improving life for our pets and saving taxpayers from the enormous expense of cleaning up after irresponsible folks who over-run our shelters with their cast-offs,” Florez said.
“No responsible pet owner has to worry that the ‘puppy police’ will come knocking at their door. No one is going to force you to get your dog fixed if it gets out of the yard once. This bill is a tool for local animal control to use in dealing with irresponsible pet owners whose chronic disregard for the law is taking a financial and emotional toll on taxpayers, pet lovers and shelter workers,” added Florez.
SB 250 passed the Senate by a vote of 21-16. It has 28 votes so far in the Assembly.
MAX, beautiful mix still NOT out of the woods...Please help!

What a relief, or so we thought. After much networking and fundraising, Max, the middle-aged, sweet-natured brown dog, at the West LA shelter for three months, would get out alive. A rescuer had stepped forward to save his life.
Max was neutered, boarded until his rescuer was ready to take him, and then driven over 100 miles to the rescuer.
Rescuer has several large dogs, one of whom the rescuer predicted would provoke Max. The dogs were to be introduced slowly.
Unfortunately, within 2 days, Max was in a yard with the other dogs, stitches still in from neutering. A fight broke out between Max and the predicted provoker, and the provoker was injured. According to the rescuer, Max did not start this fight.
Still, she wanted Max out ASAP (though to her credit, she continued to care for him while we scrambled to find someplace for Max to go).
Thanks to another rescuer, Max can stay in a great boarding facility where he can get personal attention and showing through a training program. The training program is expensive though, and the costs are independent of boarding.
More than anything (besides a forever home), Max needs a foster home where he can chill out after 4 very stressful months of his life. He would do great in a quiet home with no small animals, as he thinks they are his toys. Read more about him below. If you are able to foster Max, please e-mail Kara at kara.steiniger@gmail.com.
Alternative to fostering, any contribution, no matter how small, towards Max’s second rescue would be greatly appreciated. The volunteers who got Max out in the first place, now left holding the ball, were not prepared for this.
If a foster is found before enough funds are raised for the training program, those funds will be returned to their contributor!
Please send any contributions to:
Blue Dog Ranch
119 W. Linden Court
Burbank, CA 91502
(checks made out to Blue Dog Ranch)
Credit card donations can be made over the phone (818) 729-0550
Here is more about Max:
Max is a sweet,laid back,middle-aged guy who just wants to love you. He will sit with you while you read, garden, and especially loves to go for car rides. He's independent when you first meet him, but once he knows you, you will never have a better, more loving friend. Max was rescued just before he was going to be put down at the shelter he was in. He's an active-but-not-hyper, super-cool dog who loves car rides, playing in the water, cuddling and kisses. He walks well on a leash and knows how to sit for treats; he takes treats ever so gently from your hand! He is housebroken and crate-trained. Did we say he loves car rides?
Max would do best to live in a quiet home with someone who can give him the Love, Attention and Companionship he longs for! He is truly a remarkable boy who wants to just love you and be your forever friend. Max would do well in a home with no small animals, as he thinks they are his toys!!
Max is 6 years old and weighs 53 lbs. He is a classic mixed breed -- possibly a mix of shepherd and yellow lab.
Max is a special dog who has touched the hearts of the shelter employees, volunteers and most everyone else who has met him along his rescue journey. His friend Laurie even made him a star in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
South LA Sweetie is out of time! A1049481

Yet that is exactly what brought Kelpie (A1049481, 3 year old, GS mix???) into South L.A. on July 21st. Kelpie raised her puppies there at the annex -- puppies that have been adopted, leaving momma behind. Red-listed as of August 29th, out of time!!!!!!! Don't let her die this weekend.
This girl is the meaning of mellow. She asks nothing more than to lay in your lap and be stroked and loved. Always sweet with staff, even with her puppies around, she is a favorite at the shelter. Not concerned with the barking of other dogs, she is oblivious to anything but kind words and a gentle touch.
Please let me know if you can help. I want to see her make someone happy.
Thanks so much. Andrea franksable@msn.com