This is a blog dedicated to the West Los Angeles shelter dogs. Here you will find useful information on these wonderful adoptable dogs and what type of person might be a good match for them. The main goal of this blog is to encourage more people to adopt shelter dogs! Please support SAAFLA, a non-profit organization that facilitates the rescue of shelter dogs as well as offering education and support to adopters of shelter dogs.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Poor old stray - his future is uncertain...
This poor guy was found on the street in downtown LA. Hungry and tired, the person couldn't leave him there so she took him home. She couldn't keep him herself and a friend took him for a week. He's an older boy and looks like he's had a hard time.
This guy deserves some happiness and a home, don't you think?
Please contact Marina at
Thursday, October 22, 2009
WLA Shelter Adoption Event this Saturday!!!
Bemis dogs who still need homes!!!

OLLIE was only FOUR MONTHS old when he was impounded. He was held at the Devore, San Bernardino shelter for almost FOUR YEARS. He has been in a foster home for the past couple of weeks and is quickly learning how to be a dog again. He is amazingly serene and sweet. He loves to be around other animals and would do best in a home that has another dog or a cat. Ollie is probably a Chocolate Lab/ Kelpie X and weighs 35lbs.
San Bernadino Lab Adopted!!! Thanks to all!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Gorgeous pure bred yellow lab at San Bernadino Shelter NOW

Ty was dumped by his owners.
As they left in their car, he chased after them for quite a distance, but he couldn't keep up, and eventually lost them. The pads on Ty's feet will require medical treatment. He is a great dog, but no one has shown interest in adopting him.
He is at San Bernadino Shelter which is very high kill. A351696 (909-384-1304)
He is about 2 years old. Pure bred, yellow lab.
Please Crosspost like crazy. No one has even put a hold on him at the shelter..
He deserves to live. He deserves a family that will hold on to him and show him a better life.
This dog can be saved for all of $50 for an adoption fee!!! Unbelievable!!
San Bernardino City Animal Shelter
333 Chandler Place
(off the 215 at Orange Show Road)
(909) 384-1304 or 384-1094
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm back in the saddle again...
I've started attending the dog training class again under the auspices of Rayna Barker. She is an incredible trainer who really has a big heart. She's helped so many of our dogs. The class is a lot of fun and hopefully we will be able to help these dogs and impart our knowledge to others.
Here are a few dogs that could definitely use some help!
This little guy is pretty cool. He sort of made his reputation at the shelter early on by being kind of persnickity with other dogs in the kennel. He got moved out to his own digs, however, he can be fine with some dogs. He is definitely a head strong little dude. However, he is totally manageable with the right person and situation.
I don't think Traffic is a good fit for a family with kids. He's too temperamental. I think he'd love an older person or couple who has eyes only for him.
We had him at an adoption event a while back he did pretty well considering what I had heard about him. He really a good boy and just needs some reinforcement in the right direction. He really needs to get out of the shelter soon!!

What a cute dog! Marty has that Corgie thing going on obviously. She is very adorable and peppy. Well, she is just a puppy at around 9 months old! She loves other dogs, loves to play, likes kids and adults. Of course she needs some training, but overall she is a 100% fabulous puppy!!! Corgies can be very active and vocal, so keep that in mind...
More to come on Marty later...
This girl was at the shelter a few months back and was returned for a reason which always sounds ridiculous to me, "No time." What? What did you think having a dog was, no effort? I'm baffled by people who adopt a living thing and expect it to just co-exist.
Anyway, nothing else was mentioned about Shadow so I figure she's just back where she started.
First off, this is a SMART dog. Very smart. She learns very fast and seems to really enjoy it. She isn't a dog that can just be around without doing something. Shadow definitely needs training and some boundaries.
For this dog, the worst thing you could do is throw her in the backyard and forget about her. She'd be so bored and frustrated. She likes people, food and interaction. I think she'd be a terrific dog for agility. She's a great size and has plenty of energy. Moreover, she needs something to do.
Not a great dog for a newbie as her energy and strength make her a handful. However, for a dog savvy person, she's star material!
Don't let another minute go by without adopting a great animal from the shelter!!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Protest at Aquarium & Pet Center update

Today's protest at Aquarium & Pet Center in Santa Monica went without a hitch. No one was trying to kill us probably due to a police presence. Anyway, the people participating were peaceful and complying with the law. Our right to protest was protected.
Unfortunately people did cross the picket line a few times. Most people look mortified when they do it. I often think they just don't know any better. A couple of people shrugged us off and pretended not to care or feel like a heel for going into the store.
The protesting will continue next Saturday from 1pm to 3pm. I hope to see you there!!
P.S. This place is being boycotted so pass the word!
View Larger Map
Aquarium & Pet Center
826 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA
Friday, October 16, 2009
Important message from Judie Mancuso!
I got this email from SCIL and feel that it is very important to stand together on this issue! Judie has worked so hard to get humane legislation passed regarding banning puppy mills only to have the governator veto it!!! Now empowered by this turn of events, the opponents of humane legislation are taking violent actions! Here is Judie Mancuso's email:
Dear Friends: Now they're shooting at us... last weekend board members of Social Compassion in Legislation were part of a group peacefully protesting a pet shop known to sell puppy mill dogs. Snipers targeted the crowd, hitting two people including one of our board members, Ed Buck, with a pneumatic rifle loaded with two-millimeter brass bullets.
This is "assault with a deadly weapon" which is a felony. We knew our opposition was going too far with their lies and misinformation, but violent acts against peaceful innocent protesting has crossed criminally over the line. The Santa Monica Police are taking this very seriously and they will find these shooters and bring them to justice.
We need your help. We need to stand together stronger and in greater numbers when we are harassed and intimidated.
1. If you live in the Los Angeles area, please help by standing with us this Saturday at: 1pm - 3pm (see address below) to join the protest against cruel puppy mills and the stores that keep them in business. The Santa Monica police will be on hand to make sure we will not be disrupted from our right to speak out against puppy mills.
2. Ed Buck is also working with the City of West Hollywood to help create an ordinance banning retailers from selling puppy mill pets. Please consider donating to SCIL, our resources are drained and we need funds to keep up our fight.
Click here for a news story on the protest and shooting
If you live in the Los Angeles area, please join us this Saturday to speak out against cruel puppy mills and stand against the animal abusers.
Aquarium & Pet Center
826 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA
Saturday, Oct 17, 1 PM to 3 PM
Very truly yours,
Judie Mancuso
President, Social Compassion In Legislation (SCIL)
A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization focused on reducing pet overpopulation through legislation
Please join this peaceful protest!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A bump of wisdom? A bump of pain? No one knows exactly what Maxley (A1054977, mastiff, ONLY NINE MONTHS OLD and pushing 70 pounds!!!, red-listed on October 4th, and well past his time!!!!!) saw after he was adopted from the shelter just a couple of months ago. But he was returned by his adopter -- returned with a bump on his head and a wound to his throat. Reports have it that the original owner took Maxley for surgery to have that bump removed but that it later grew back. That same person admitted that he saw his own dog attack Maxley -- Maxley who can't understand why anyone would hurt him. Yet even now, though scarred, our Mastiff Emperor remains unafraid, a joyful puppy through and through.
Kindly let me know -- I will try to get additional medical details on him as well.
Thanks for caring about this gentle Emperor.
Andrea (323) 363-4909
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Stella 2 year old German Shepherd who thinks she's a Lab... don't tell her :) A1062384
Another wonderful video from Bound Angels!
This cutie is a West LA now and needs a home... She is adorable!
Update re Happy
All donations are tax deductible! Make sure you let them know the money is for Happy from West Valley LAAS. Thanks!
PLEASE HELP! Happy at West Valley Shelter needs out now!
Happy survived against the odds - now needs a chance to reunite w/owners ... scheduled to die ...
please cross post ...
fwd: Someone has to know someone that can help
CONTACT is Marcelle Brothers (818) 516-3634
I'm desperately seeking help for a dog schedule to be euthanized next week at a animal shelter. This dog was lost by his owners in the Chatsworth Trail Park in Chatsworth. I actually bumped into his owners and they asked if I had seen a red nose pit bull named Rocky that wandered off. I told them I did not and wished them luck.
Over a month later while riding my horse through the trails, I saw Rocky. He was literally skin and bones and very weak. I knew he was dying and I had to do whatever I could to catch him. After I put my horse away at the stables, I rushed back with food and water. I spent a hour looking for him, but didn't see him. I left food and water and planned to come back the next morning. The next day the food and water was gone and as I was leaving more out for him, Rocky emerged out of the bushes. I lassoed him with a piece of string and then carried him back to my vehicle. I took him to the West Valley Animal Care and Service Center where he was nursed back to health and I put up "found dog" flyers in hope that his owners would reclaim him. No luck.
As time went by and Rocky regained his health, put on weight, and the shelter renamed him "Happy" due to his energetic personality and he was put up for adoption. The shelter has made attempts to find a rescue organization to take him, but no luck. The shelter has already kept him longer then most dogs, but unfortunately his time is up. After all he's been through and the odds he overcame, Rocky is going to be put to sleep sometime this week, so in a last ditch effort, I'm trying to find a organization to save him.
The reason I can't adopt him myself is that I have two dogs already and I rent a room at a house and a third dog is absolutely out of the question. I can't even take him in temporarily.
If you could please response and let me know if you can help or not, or if you know of someone who can, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your help.
"Happy" is at the West Valley Animal Center in Chatsworth, the phone number is (818) 756-9325 (another number is 888-452-7381 x146) and his ID number is A1054577.
I've including photo attachments with this email of "Happy" when I first found him in August.
Marcelle Brothers
(818) 516-3634
Saturday, October 10, 2009

CONTACT: Email: ani.newhopesla@lacity.
THIS IS ROHAN. When I spotted him in his cage at SLA just over a week ago, I thought he could be the poster boy for the countless unwanted pit bulls who flood into the shelter and don't come out alive.
He just looked so sad and hopeless. His ears have been cut off; his skin is dry and cracked from years of neglect and bad nutrition. He appears to have a wound on his neck which looks like it was caused by an embedded collar. Nobody has ever cared about ROHAN.
And from the photo taken of him in his cage, it looks like he's given up. He's watched many dogs who look just like him be led off and never seen again.
But ROHAN has something going for him. Not only is he a particular favorite of Tomika, the SLA New Hope Coordinator, HE IS A SWEETHEART.
In fact the vet told me he is a "very sweet, sad little man."
What a tragedy it would be if all that sweetness should go to waste without Rohan ever having a chance to share it with someone who loves him the way he has always deserved to be loved.
Rohan has been redlisted since October 2nd so has only a few more days before being euthanized.
His skin is scabby but a skin scraping came back negative. It's probably just the result of years of neglect and will be fine once he's eating decent food and gets meds to help it clear up.
Rohan was in a cage with another dog and they got along fine. He was moved to ISO due to his skin and although he's now in his own cage, he showed no interest in the other dogs in the room. Nobody has seen any sign of aggression.
If you would like to pledge a donation to help him get out, and for meds for his skin if and when he's rescued, please let me know asap. Email: Jane Garcia <>
ROHAN'S impound number is A1066121
He is 6 years old and not yet neutered. He is at the South LA shelter and REDLISTED so is available to New Hope partners at a discounted rate.
SLA direct lines: 213-485-0117, 0119
Tomika (New Hope Coordinator)
Email: ani.newhopesla@lacity.
Kennel supervisors' direct line: 213-473-4378