Bertam (A1167529, 6 years old, already neutered) is a one-of-a-kind guy. Everyone who seems him just has to grin. At 70 pounds, feet a bit deformed so that he appears to be standing in an exaggerated ballet position, Bertram is most unusual. This goofy guy has been in ISO as he has some entropion of the eyes and initial concern about his feet. But, he gets around very well -- and will pull you around the block several times if you let him.
It seems that Bertram is quite probably house-trained as he whines to get outside and do his business. We've had him around a couple of other dogs and seems to be OK. Bertram's space at the shelter is valuable and he needs out quickly!!! If you are ready for unparalleled feet and unparalleled fun, call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119 to save him. And kindly let us know that he is blending into your life.
Many thanks, Andrea & Mindy ivegonetothedogs@gmail.com (323) 363-4909
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