This is a blog dedicated to the West Los Angeles shelter dogs. Here you will find useful information on these wonderful adoptable dogs and what type of person might be a good match for them. The main goal of this blog is to encourage more people to adopt shelter dogs! Please support SAAFLA, a non-profit organization that facilitates the rescue of shelter dogs as well as offering education and support to adopters of shelter dogs.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Tubby and Cinnamon still in trouble!
These two lovies also only have until June 3, 2009. We'd love to see them stay together but if not, that's okay... Better than the alternative!
They are both sweet and lovely dogs. Don't let them die at the shelter!
The Shelter Chronicles: Daisy A0227375
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Don't let Callie go to the shelter!

Callie the kitty, isn't she pretty!
This beautiful 10 year old cat is looking for a wonderful home. Her mom passed away unexpectedly and no one else can take the cat. For the past few weeks Callie has been alone in the apartment but now she has to move... But where? Callie is healthy and active. She is very human friendly. She doesn't look like a 10 year old cat at all! We don't know how she is with other cats or dogs, but maybe you can bring yourself to take a chance on Callie as she is truly a cat in need right now!
Please Contact Lola at
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Presenting Ava

AVA REDLISTED!!!! A1014637
submitted by Mirja Bishop
Ava’s face has that movie star look about it! Sultry! Mysterious! Come see me! She was, in fact, named after the famous actress of the 1940’s and 1950’s Ava Gardener. Her eyes stare ahead as she sits very quietly at the front of her run watching people go by. “Stop look at me. I’m beautiful!” Ava doesn’t bounce up and down like most of the dogs do as people pass by. She simply gazes ahead with those expressive eyes. She’s much less sophisticated and serene however when the volunteer steps into her run to put a lead around her neck in preparation for bringing her out into the yard. She wiggles back and forth and is a happy, excited and enthusiastic girl.
Ava is a black and brown unaltered Rottweiler who is listed as 12 yrs. old but who certainly has the look and energy of a younger dog. She, like most of the dogs when brought out into the play area, spends the first few minutes sniffing, exploring and on occasion marking her territory. Ava is a little bit of an alpha female who likes to lift her leg on occasion when she urinates and then scratch the ground when she walks away. The greatest joy for this precious girl is to be in the yard with her human friend and to be able to run around, sniff and do her doggy thing. When called she responds immediately and runs toward her human sitting down immediately in front of them hoping for a treat. Ava has earned the privilege of going for walks outside of the animal shelter. She walks with perfect manners, sniffing as she goes and clearly enjoying those brief moments of freedom away from the shelter.
Ava was found as a stray and has been at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter since March 4, 2009 – much too long for such a sweet, personable dog! Her days at the shelter are probably numbered because of the length of her stay. The volunteers who know her best are heart broken that this friendly, sweet dog who wants nothing more than to be buddies with a human pal may not find that person in time. Her wonderful expressive eyes and her gentle demeanor make her a very special girl who is loved by all of the volunteers especially Cindy and Mirja. Ava deserves a second chance. She deserves to live out her life with her special human friend beside her. She is a star in her own right. A very special dog!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Too many desperate faces...

Starr, A1011930, Female, 4 years old,
This is a great little girl and sweet as can be. She
is one of those dogs that I tend to fall in love with
after an afternoon of hanging out at an adoption
event. This kid has been to several events but still
hasn't found her forever home. This little sweetie
is your typical feisty chihuahua lady who loves
who she loves and dogs are only okay... Big dogs
are iffy, but she's tolerant up to a point. Dogs
like Starr often get a bad rap as a snarky, snappy
chi, but truthfully, the volunteers who spend time
with her LOVE HER! She's got personality but is also
a lover-girl who wants a lap. I would recommend Starr
for an older person or any adult who has some patience
to spend the time and give her the guidance and love
she needs! She's waiting!!!!
Two beautiful Rottie's anyone??

Un-named, A1030436, Female, Rottweiler, 1.5 years
These GORGEOUS dogs caught my eye at the shelter this weekend. The un-named girl is full Rottie and a good size but not huge. She is a doll! Very friendly and non-reactive. This is a dog who would be easy to train as she is food motivated and has a lovely disposition. She seemed unfazed by the group of people who were surrounding her and the strange man asking her to sit. One thing is that my impression of "un-named Rottie" was that she has little or no obedience training. It would be a very helpful thing for her since she would need a strong leader. Anyone interested in a fabulous dog like this should be committed to training, no ifs, ands or buts. I would be SO angry if someone ruins this terrific dog by being a lazy jerk!
Dangy is such a good girl. She know tons of tricks and is happy to perform them for a mere treat. I guess her former guardians decided they didn't have time for her anymore. Sad as she is a darling dog and deserves better. She's a mix so she doesn't have the Rottie size. She's actually a medium sized dog who would be fine in any number of situations. In fact, I believe she is house trained already! Again, even though Dangy knows some tricks, I think she would benefit from some basic training where she could learn better leash manners (she pulls) and to tone down her excitement around kids and company. These are all trainable issues and since she's so sweet to begin with that I think she'd be a quick study. Also, she gets along with other dogs and small animals but not sure about cats. I'd love to see her with some active people or a family with older kids.

Picachu, A1014129, Female, adult, medium

These two shy cuties hide out in their cubby most of the time. When you do get them out and they start to relax, wow, are they the sweetest two kids ever! Picachu and Adonis are attached at the hip, so to speak, as one follows the other and visa versa. Adonis is probably the more confident of the two, but he doesn't go far away from Picachu. They are soft dogs though and just want to trust someone. They are definitely mutts, probably with some Chow in there. I think they are so cute and expressive. My impression is that they were outside dogs :( as they don't really get the whole leash concept. However, lots of attention from shelter volunteers has helped them get used to such things. Of course, they are still shy and don't like all the noise and confusion of shelter life. They would be great dogs for an older couple as all these two really want is love and attention. Please come visit them and have them taken out of the kennel so you can really see how adorable and nice they really are!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Jasper at SLA needs you!
Seemingly serious, this prankster made me laugh out loud the other day. I had no idea behind that black muzzle was a real rapscallion, a regular rascal. With antics galore, he stole my heart.
Clap your hands and he will scrunch down, poised and ready to frolic and play. Turn your back and he will sneak into your stash of treats, proudly pulling out the whole package, walking around the room, bag in mouth, shamelessly.
Jasper (A1024100) came in to the shelter with a wound on his side, from an embedded collar I was told, now healed. He is a 2-year old German shepherd mix who wants nothing more than to have fun -- with other dogs that he meets, with the people that admire his good looks. And he is Super Smart as well. Honestly, Jasper is the perfect dog. I adore him.
Jasper is red-listed as of May 5th and in serious trouble. He needs to get out soon.
I am begging for someone to save this boy that captured my heart. I know he will capture yours.
I would certainly like to know if you are able to -- because this is one very, very special guy to me.
Andrea (volunteer at S.LA shelter)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Xena, unique & sweet!
Article contributed by Mirja Bishop
One blue eye and one brown eye! You can’t help but notice that about Xena immediately. When she comes to the front of her run at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter to greet you she wags her tail furiously and then you see the second thing about Xena that makes her stand out. She is a canine tank! Xena is grossly overweight weighing in at close to 100 lbs. I jokingly tell her that you could make two normal size dogs out of her. It’s difficult to imagine her as a stray which is how she was found in March 2009. I would think that she belonged to someone who fed her from the table all of the time, who never walked or ran with her but who loved her because Xena has a loving, trusting personality. She is one of the sweetest, most gentle dogs that I have ever seen.
To see her in her run is to miss the most enchanting characteristic of Xena. In the play yard she is in her element. Yes, she loves to run!! Now for Xena perhaps a more fitting description would be that she lumbers. She is like an 18 wheeler climbing the grapevine! To her credit she doesn’t let her size determine her enthusiasm or make her want to give up. She huffs and puffs a little more than most of the dogs but she runs along side the volunteer taking time out every few minutes to catch her breath. She is a happy girl!!!
Xena smiles when she looks at you. The corners of her mouth reach up almost to her ears and as a result when she looks at you with her mouth open she appears to be smiling. It is impossible to look at this dog and not feel happy. In spite of her overweight condition and the anxiety of life in a city shelter she is a happy, gentle dog always wiling to wag her tail and always smiling when you greet her.
Xena is a German shepherd mix with a beautiful coat of medium length brown and black fur. Her coat is in excellent condition and shines in the sunlight. Xena is said to be 12 years old but her behavior is that of a younger dog and her teeth which are often used to help determine age are white and appear to be in good condition.
Xena needs to lose weight. That is obvious. She needs an appropriate diet and she needs to be able to run and play. She would make an outstanding friend for someone willing to work with her. She is an amazing, happy dog with so much love to offer some lucky person. Come visit her at the West Los Angeles animal shelter!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: GIANT ROBOT2 EVENT!!!

May 9th from 4:30pm until 10ish at GR2. What a cool night! Groovy art show and adorable doggies (and maybe even a kitten or two). You can go home with an art piece and a pet!
Why wouldn't you come?
Thanks Giant Robot for teaming up with LA Animal Services to bring awareness to the plight of homeless animals by holding this wonderful adoption event.
Check out both Giant Robot stores on Sawtelle Blvd between Olympic and La Grange. They have really great stuff!!
Giant Robot is my FAVORITE!!!
See the Invitation:
See more of the art in the show:
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: A Penny for your love...
Penny is urgent!!!!
ID# A1013652, young, female, medium size
Penny is a really pretty dog who really needs a home FAST! She is definitely a victim of the Black dog syndrome as she has been bypassed by everyone for the past few months that she’s been at the shelter. Turns out this girl is a total babe! She loves people and is very sweet and playful. Penny is not a reactive dog, but rather, she’s more on the mellow side. However, she’s got plenty of energy for walks, runs, hikes, dog park, etc. I would even say that Penny could be an excellent family dog!
Penny just attended an adoption event this weekend and did wonderfully. She does fine with other dogs if they are polite. She’s not aggressive towards dogs, but she’ll let them know if she’s not feeling it. She likes to go into her relationships more slowly… She’s very demure. This is a terrific dog for most anyone. She could use some training but is an easy girl who is looking for some love!
Penny is at WEST LA Animal Shelter!
Come meet her TODAY, she is currently RED LISTED!!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Shelter Chronicles: Lucy in trouble
Lucy has been redlisted at West LA shelter as of Monday, 4/27. She has one week to live. Please spread the word and help save this young girl. She is listed as 1yr 7months old.
She is learning basic obedience commands like sit and down. She has energy and likes to play but also enjoys getting belly rubs.She is shown here with a 3yr old female dog, also named Lucy-A1020265.