Sugar A923887 Medium size mixed breed
Aw honey honey, you are my candy girl… This dog is a big time sweetie pie. I mean she is the friendliest good doggie ever. She’s a very nice compact size, a mix of something and something else, it’s hard to tell. She’s definitely on the young side and really cute. With all these fantastic qualities, how is it that she hasn’t been adopted after SUCH A LONG TIME?
Well, for one thing, we thought that she might have dog reactivity issues. Plus, I don’t think she had too many opportunities to dispel these rumors that were based on her interactions around other dogs early on. Today, we finally decided to see how she would do meeting a dog, live and in person. I mean, she really needs to get out of the shelter so I figured that we had nothing to lose!
Great news, she did really well with the two dogs that she met (Cooper and Dillion). She was totally polite and appropriate with the other dogs. I mean her body language was perfect and she did everything right in meeting a new dog. I was so impressed with her wonderful behavior, I can’t believe that all this time we weren’t sure about how she would do with another dog. Who knew it would work out so well?
Of course, Sugar continues to be her happy and playful self, full of love and affection towards people. She even tried out the wading pool today! What a good girl! She has excellent obedience and is an easy dog to control.
Sugar would be great in a variety of settings. She wants to be around her people and loves to get affection. She wouldn’t be a good outdoor dog (but who would?) due to her strong need for human companionship. She would be great to take on a run or play out in the yard. Sugar has lots of energy and love to give to someone who can give her time and exercise. She’s a winner!!!
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