I Support Pet Adoption

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Shelter Chronicles: Updates

We've had loads of adoptions of late, not all great, but some have been good. I always feel sad when I hear that one of our sweetest dogs has been adopted to be a "guard dog." But unfortunately there isn't a whole lot I can do to stop that from happening. Anyone reading this blog, I would assume, would already know that dogs need to be part of a family, not just thrown in a yard and forgotten or, even worse, left outside tethered.

Sigh, on the happier side there have been terrific rescues at the 11th hour by Karma Rescue. Cole was scheduled to be PTS and right in the nick of time was put in contact with a trainer and then in a foster home where he's doing great. Yay! Thanks Karma!

Other adoptions: Sui, Missy, Coqueta, Angel, Wendy, and I'm sure there are lots of others that I can't think of right now.

Still Waiting and getting URGENT!

Tiger A921702
Wonderful little pittie girl. Young. Well behaved, happy, calm, great with other dogs. What more can I say? Needs a home NOW!

Paolo A922555 Medium Pittie boy, high energy, very playful, a real character, needs training but very willing and good natured! Give this guy a chance!

Cooper A910483 large Pit mix, young, great dog, wonderful with people, needs some training with other dogs, just a real sweetheart of a dog. NEEDS OUT NOW!

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