FIRST, some important news! Next weekend on Saturday August 9th the shelter is hosting The BIG LICK! It should be lots of fun with ice cream and face painting and a picture of you with your new pet. We are hoping this event will boost adoptions as we sorely need to get some of these special doggies out of the shelter ASAP. The Summer is often a slow time for animal shelters and WLA is no exception. Higher intakes and lower adoptions mean more dogs in danger of being put to sleep due to over crowding. Believe me, we will try our darnedest to find proper homes for all the dogs, cats and bunnies, but we need YOUR help to succeed! Special thanks to Found Animals Foundation for putting on this event!
Some lovely dogs for your consideration!

SUGAR A0923877 Pit Bull mix
Listen, this dog isn't named Sugar for nothing! No dog loves people more and is as affectionate as this gal. Sugar is pretty young about 2 years or so. She's really cute and a perfect little compact size. Her issue is mainly that she has dog reactivity issues that seem to be workable with a trainer. Sugar has so much potential and has done so well at the shelter for so long... It would be a crime for her to lose her life now just because her time ran out at the shelter. She's so adorable and the volunteers love her. If you are fine having a single dog and working on her reactivity towards other dogs, she would make a wonderful companion. I just hope she gets her chance to prove it!

TIGER A0921072 Pit Bull
Tiger is more like a pussycat. This little girl is really sweet. She's about 2 or less years old, great with other dogs, people, not sure about cats... She's very easy to work with so I can recommend her for a family with older kids. She was at the BIG Irvine event last week and did so well. I was really proud of her. She hung out with her doggie friends very nicely. She even rode in the truck to Irvine with Mono (below) and now they are the best of friends. She's such an easy going dog, at the end of the day she was sleepy so she went in the crate and took a nap. Tiger could use a little help with her leash manners as she likes to pull a bit. But she's so excited to be out in the world! This kid is gorgeous and NEEDS your faith in her to make it to the next level. She wants to bond with you, come see her!

MONO/MIKEY A0904938 Boxer mix
Mono was adopted at Irvine, but only after 4 days he was returned to the shelter. Why, you ask? Because he had a potty accident. Oh wow, way to commit to your new dog! Totally annoying if you ask me. However, Mono IS a wonderful boy, a puppy actually, who is full of fun and energy. He's great with other dogs and overall easy to handle. He has that typical Boxer personality being a fun loving kook! A little training will go a long way with this guy. He's an absolute love, and you will fall in love if you meet him!

MISSY A933094 Pit Bull
This little girl is a youngster who needs a person that will give her the guidance and attention that she will need to thrive. She's done well at the shelter after starting out a little fearful and distant. Now she's a sweetie pie who is looking for someone to take her under their wing. First off she is very much the typical Pittie with lots of energy for playing and fooling around. She's so happy when she gets out of her kennel and can play with a person or a dog. She seems to do well with most dogs even though she comes on pretty strong initially (another typical pittie thing). I would recommend her for a single or couple with time to spend with her and teach her the ropes. Probably she's a little strong to have around little kids but fine with older kids.
Why is Ana going to another pound?