Higgins (A1080366, already neutered, 9 years old, red-listed on 12/21 ? -- so nearly out of time) is such a proper and kindly gentleman. He's a cuddly-bear-sort of dog who somehow wound up in the shelter. He's made the best of it, entertaining his kennelmate Yogui whom he loves, wagging his tail at passers-by. But, when as darkness falls, Higgins fears. He fears that he may not make it out of the shelter alive. If you want a warm companion for these chilly nights, if you want a gentle soul who will love you unconditionally, please consider Higgins. You can meet him at the South L.A. shelter -- call them at (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
And kindly let me know that he is now smiling for you. Many thanks, Andrea ivegonetothedogs@gmail.com
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