Jack is BACK (out of the shelter)! Yea! I love good news...

Jack on his new bed with his new toy!

A beautiful foster family portrait with Jack!
Jack is finally out of the shelter people! Merry Xmas!
Thanks to the work a lot of generous people, Jack was finally pulled from the West Valley shelter by Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation with the aid of another rescuer and a fantastic foster family! Way to go team!
Gosh, it really does take a network of rescuers to save a dog!
There are going to new beautiful pix of Jack with his foster family on Linda Blair's site: www.lindablairworldheart.org
Feel free to donate to her wonderful organization! Linda is located in Acton, CA about an hour out of LA. She can really use volunteers on the weekends so contact her if you're game. She has taken several of our West LA dogs in the recent past and we think she's the best!
Merry Xmas! especially for Jack!!!!
jack looks more red in those pictures. He is a good boy. He deserves a great family