Roger's story is truly a miracle story. His story began long before November 2009 but that part of his life will never be known to us. On Nov. 17, 2009 the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter became the new home for this wonderful, happy, 8-year-old shepherd mix who was found as a stray.
Roger never let his circumstances get him down. He was described by the volunteers who got to know and love him as "happy, playful, gentle, and a winner." He walked well on leash, made good eye contact and was a fast learner. He was just a sweet and happy boy who loved to be around people. In the play yard he ran around with a look of sheer delight on his face. He loved life and he loved the people from the shelter who were his life.
However, the weeks and months passed by and still Roger waited for that forever home where he could love and be loved by a special person. Things did not go well for him. He was found to have an upper respiratory infection that put him into medical isolation for weeks until he was well again.
Then the more serious problem was discovered. Roger had an orthopedic problem that would require either amputation of one of his rear legs or at least palliative care including pain medication, water therapy etc. Yet, his leg problem did not seem to bother this amazing boy. He ran on four legs, and then he switched to three legs but ran with the same gusto.
To find a home for this eight-year-old dog had been difficult enough, but now with the newly diagnosed orthopedic problem it seemed like an impossible task. An application was submitted by the shelter staff to Best Friends and all fingers were crossed that he would find his forever home in Dog Town. Sadly he was not accepted.
On the same day that that his rejection was received, a visitor to the shelter put his hand into Roger's cage (no explanation was given) and Roger unknowingly nipped his finger. The visitor reported the event to the staff. Could anything else go wrong?? Roger was placed in quarantine for 10 days and now his future looked grim.
Finally, after all of the hardships that this dog had endured during his six months at the shelter, a miracle happened. On May 5, 2010, a day after he was released from quarantine, he was rescued by the Association To Save Abandoned Pets (ASAP). He is currently living with the founder of that organization and is doing well. One look at the following photograph tells the whole story. This was truly a miracle ending for Roger, a wonder dog who was loved by many.
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