Scooby A0801541
This guy is so adorable. Scooby is a Pit mix who is about 2 years old. A total sweetie pie, just looking for love. Scooby is a lot of fun and very easy to train. I just love this guy as do many of the shelter volunteers. Scooby is very friendly, playful and obedient. Not sure how he is with other dogs, but I think he may be fine as he is pretty relaxed. He would be a wonderful family dog.
Right now he is under weight and could use some high quality food and soft bed to sleep on. I can't figure out why no one has come to rescue this lovely dog.

Missy A0933094
This girl has come a long way in a short time! Even though she was at the shelter for a while, she was rather fearful and tentative about people. All it took to resolve this problem was some positive attention by our volunteers. All of a sudden Missy decided that people were cool and that she wanted to hang out with them. Now Missy is all kisses and love! She is so funny and playful. I just think she is awesome. Check out the crazy ear action! Her ear does this when she's extra interested in something. So cute.
Missy is a Pit mix and about 2 years or less. She's very pretty and very strong. A little timid in new situations. She'd probably be best with an experience dog person, someone who can lead her in the right direction. Missy could use some training and a lot of love to be the best dog she can be!

Mono A0904938
What happened to MONO??? Don't know, but somehow he got put in isolation at the shelter and just disappeared off the radar. What?! But this is a darling young dog, filled with energy and pizazz! Playful and funny, he's just big and strong so a little hard to control without any training. Moreover, Mono is a good boy and he's begging you for some training so that he can understand what it is that people want.
Mono is a boxer mix and just adorable. He's probably under 2 years old. When he was out in the yard with the volunteers recently, lots of people stopped to look. They all were smiling and laughing at his antics. What a find this guy is for a someone who is willing to train him and be a firm leader. You'll also need to be energetic yourself to keep up with this kid!

Rocky A0899965
Okay, I promise I'll stop showing Rocky on this blog as soon as he gets adopted! He is such a beautiful dog with a beautiful spirit. I just love him. He's got the most gorgeous coat, that Chow kind of fluffy coat. He's probably only about 2 years old and has a lot to learn, but overall he is an amazing dog. Considering how long he's been at the shelter, he's done very well.
Rocky is pretty chill in general. He is easy to train and has shown an ability for agility (say that 3x fast!). I think Rocky could do well in most any situation where the people are understanding and open to training. He'd be great for a family or a single. He definitely has some energy but not over the top. Rocky gets along with most other dogs and is just a sweet beautiful guy.
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