Such a lovely girl, patiently waiting in her ISO cage, alone. When the door opens, Gillee (A1075516, 2 year old golden retriever with the cutest sharpei nose, was red-listed on 11/15 -- so out of time this Sunday) springs up, tail wagging. And while we might think that the red around her eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks are from crying because she can't come out and play, the truth is that poor little Gillee has some type of skin infection around her eyes. Skin scrapings did not show anything and she will need further treatment to find out what is going on.
Please consider this loving girl who has seen only neglect in her young life. Call the South L.A. Shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119 to save her and make that tail wag again.
Kindly let me know as well. Thanks for caring about shelter dogs.
Andrea (323) 363-4909

Such a lovely girl, patiently waiting in her ISO cage, alone. When the door opens, Gillee (A1075516, 2 year old golden retriever with the cutest sharpei nose, was red-listed on 11/15 -- so out of time this Sunday) springs up, tail wagging. And while we might think that the red around her eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks are from crying because she can't come out and play, the truth is that poor little Gillee has some type of skin infection around her eyes. Skin scrapings did not show anything and she will need further treatment to find out what is going on.
Please consider this loving girl who has seen only neglect in her young life. Call the South L.A. Shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119 to save her and make that tail wag again.
Kindly let me know as well. Thanks for caring about shelter dogs.
Andrea (323) 363-4909
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