Traffic on stage at Bow-wow-ween
This weekend we had the Bow Wow Ween event held in Topanga Canyon which, although a pretty place, in this weather it was boiling hot and dry as a bone... Very low attendance made this a very long day. After many hours of hanging around with our dogs, only one was taken by rescue. The rest went home. Very disappointing.

The positive thing about the day was seeing how great all our dogs were at this event and getting swell photos of them in costume. Our own Traffic represented the shelter in the costume contest. He was a natural! Such a good boy!
So many cute moments from both volunteers and dogs, have a look...
Volunteers having fun with the West LA dogs! Keri and Shadow show off!
Traffic was pooped after a long day of being cute!
Gigi acting very much the perfect princess that she is!
Batista can't take his eye off the ball even for a photo shoot!
Shadow was constantly mugging for the camera, what a ham!
Shadow was a lovely french maid!
Well, Shyla looked a little mortified to be wearing a dress, she's a tomboy at heart!
I think Kat's expression summed up the day, sorry to say.
All these gorgeous, well behaved dogs are available NOW at the West LA Shelter!
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