Once upon a time, a little poodle came into the shelter horribly matted and filthy on the outside -- so shy yet so sweet underneath. The kind staff saw his distress and set up an appointment at the shelter spa and beauty salon. A bath and shave, Tails looking so adorable -- but for a large welt on his tail, raw and sore. He's been on meds to help but little Tails (A1072914, 2 year old poodle mix, red-listed on 11/8 so needs out by this Sunday) still likes to chew on that old spot. Who knows if he might even lose that tail because of an uncaring owner who never cared for him?

Tails wants nothing more than to cuddle in your lap. After a sad life of neglect, this little angel deserves a new start. If you would enjoy a snuggler and a sweetheart, if you want to save Tails, call the South L.A. shelter at once : (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
Many thanks, Andrea

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