ALL WE WANT TO DO IS SMILE -- AND BE A PART OF YOUR LIFE. It's always heart-breaking to see early impound numbers back at the shelter. Blade (A0749462) and Cosita (A0749464) were adopted as puppies. Now 6 years old, brought back. Shy, not used to other dogs (best adopted as the only dogs because of their strong bond) or people (today much more socialized). From a home of happiness to a shelter of uncertainty and fear? And now red-listed, scheduled to die on 11/14!!! Perpetually smiling, these two are absolutely endearing. (here's the video link to paste in your brower :

The deep bond they share, Cosita always kissing Blade's muzzle when he would hide behind the dividing wall of the kennel, afraid to approach; their walks in unison, never more than a step or two apart; Blade allowing Cosita to eat the treats first, content to watch her enjoyment (you can tell she is a little bit on the chunky side!).
That is how they have survived. But, they won't survive past this weekend unless someone saves them. If you can help, call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And kindly let me know as well. These two are very, very dear to me.
Thanks for caring about shelter dogs -- They need our help now more than ever.
Andrea franksable@msn.com (323) 363-4909
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