This is a blog dedicated to the West Los Angeles shelter dogs. Here you will find useful information on these wonderful adoptable dogs and what type of person might be a good match for them. The main goal of this blog is to encourage more people to adopt shelter dogs! Please support SAAFLA, a non-profit organization that facilitates the rescue of shelter dogs as well as offering education and support to adopters of shelter dogs.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Boxer mix Olivia waiting for her forever home! Olivia - A1153164
I love this dog! She is so sweet and adorable. Yes, she is a little shy and fearful, but all she needs is some confidence. Training and working with this dog will enable her to be a wonderful family member. She has loads of potential! The people who gave her up were NOT willing to work with her or allow her to acclimate to her new setting. Because they gave up shouldn't mean that someone else can't give her a chance to blossom!
Please come meet her at the West LA Shelter soon!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
TARA - A1133736 Needs a loving home this time!

I have to be honest with you. I am a very high energy dog so I will need a very special person to be my forever friend. One of the volunteers at the shelter who really likes me fills a can with rocks and if I get too excited and pull too hard on my walks, she rattles the can and I shape up just like that. I really do want to please but I am a happy dog and sometimes I get a little too enthusiastic. If I have a chance to exercise and run around for awhile I become very easy to get along with and have actually been described as "well behaved". Can you imagine that?
I know that if I had a chance to be with someone who really loved me and who was willing to work with me and train me I could be the best dog in the world. I love to have my belly rubbed and my rear end scratched but then what dog doesn't like that. I am used to doing my own thing because I never really had anyone who cared about me and worked with me. I know that if that special person came into my life and loved me like I would love them we could do all kinds of amazing things together. I just need a chance to prove that.
written by Mirja Bishop (LAAS Volunteer)
Samantha Westbrook
New Hope Coordinator
West Los Angeles Animal Care Center
11361 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90064
Shelter: 213 485 0494/ 0495/ 0496
Cell: 213 7925811
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Peewee A1123829 has made it this far, don't let him down now!
A1123829 - Pewee, 7 year old, neutered, Chiweenie (Chihuahua/ Dachshund)
Pewee was surrendered to the shelter by his owner because they were moving!! Poor Pewee has been at the shelter since June 14th 2010!!!! Peewee has a deformed nose which may have played a role in his not finding a home by now. :(
All this little man wants for the Holidays is a home to call his own! His demands are minimal... Just a comfy bed, good food and some love. He doesnt require a four legged friend to be... happy so although he does get along with other dogs, he would be quite happy being the only one getting attention.
As you can see from the pictures, Pewee is very tolerant of getting dressed up and posing for his Holiday pics. There is one thing however that Pewee is not so tolerant of... He hates to be picked up!
Please help Pewee find a home for the Holidays!!!
Samantha Westbrook
New Hope Coordinator
West Los Angeles Animal Care Center
11361 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90064
Shelter: 213 485 0494/ 0495/ 0496
Cell: 213 7925811
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Bertam A1167529 at South LA Shelter is a one-of-a-kind guy

Bertam (A1167529, 6 years old, already neutered) is a one-of-a-kind guy. Everyone who seems him just has to grin. At 70 pounds, feet a bit deformed so that he appears to be standing in an exaggerated ballet position, Bertram is most unusual. This goofy guy has been in ISO as he has some entropion of the eyes and initial concern about his feet. But, he gets around very well -- and will pull you around the block several times if you let him.
It seems that Bertram is quite probably house-trained as he whines to get outside and do his business. We've had him around a couple of other dogs and seems to be OK. Bertram's space at the shelter is valuable and he needs out quickly!!! If you are ready for unparalleled feet and unparalleled fun, call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119 to save him. And kindly let us know that he is blending into your life.
Many thanks, Andrea & Mindy (323) 363-4909
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Simone has a message: black is beautiful! A1138137

by Mirja Bishop (LAAS volunteer)
In shelters across the country black dogs have a difficult time finding forever homes. "Black dog syndrome" where people attach superstitious beliefs onto dogs like Simone results in these dogs frequently being the first ones to be euthanized.
Simone is a great BLACK dog who deserves a good life. She is a 6 yr. old spayed American Staffordshire bull terrier who was found as a stray on August 1, 2010 and now calls the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter her home. Simone was at the Best Friends Super Adoption event
The volunteers who have worked with Simone have nothing but good things to say about her. She is described as being very attentive. She responds well to voice commands. She likes her treats and knows "sit and come". She walks well on leash and loves to play fetch. She is the happiest in the play yard where she can run and be free for a few brief moments. She has met both large and small dogs and has been fine with them. She was recently shown to two different families with children and did very well with both an 8 yr. old and a 10 yr. old child.
A "very great dog" was the comment made by one of the volunteers. Simone would fit into just about any kind of family situation. She is a sweet, friendly, loving dog who happens to be black. Finding a "forever home" before her time at the shelter runs out is her fervent wish and one that everyone who knows Simone hopes comes true.
West LA City Shelter 310-207-3266 Tues-Sat 8-5, Sun 11-5
11361 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Contact: Samantha Westbrook, NEW HOPE COORDI NATOR
213-485-0494 / CELL 213-792-5811
Monday, November 8, 2010
A couple of couples...still remain from the Best Friends Super Adoption

We come two to a package. We were found as strays wandering the streets of
Buddy is a 3 year old neutered Staffordshire bull terrier. He is very strong and easily excited but he is a sweet dog and is great with his friend Hobie. He is good on leash. He absolutely loves to play with his water dish. His hope is that he and his best friend can be together forever in a new home.
Hobie is a 6 yr. old spayed beagle mix. She is very sweet and loving. She is easy to walk and knows commands like sit. She is treat motivated but somewhat distracted by her environment. She is longing for a home away from the shelter where she and her best friend can run free again.
These two best friends can be adopted separately but it is their hope that someone would see the bond that exists between the two of them and consider adopting both of them.
Sweet and lovable, these girls, possibly sisters were turned in to the shelter because their family was moving. So sad. These are the sweetest dogs and although they are technically "seniors" they have plenty of life to live. Full of love, both dogs love people of all kinds, young & old. They are fine around other dogs. They were terrific at Best Friends Super Adoption Event and got a lot of attention but they still came back to the shelter.
Tundra and Milo (the correct spelling of the names) should live with someone or a family who wants to spend time with them. A yard would be great but it doesn't have to be large. Tundra is thought to have some pain in her hind quarters, but she is lively and happy. She came in VERY matted so we had to shave down her coat. She's still gorgeous though! :)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Coco, the Sassy Rottie A0721226: Meet her at Best Friends This weekend!!!
I love life!! I am a happy female Rottweiler around 5 yrs. of age who is drop dead gorgeous to look at if I do say so myself. I have been at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter since July 13, 2010 which is much too long for a cutie like me. I wag my beautiful tail all the time so that people will notice me and see how precious I am.
I have a favorite person at the shelter who spends a lot of time with me. She really loves me and has taught me so much. She introduced me to some other dogs both male and female, big and small and Hey I did just fine thank you very much!!! I even got to go into the cat room and the first time I wasn't too sure about them so I barked but my person told me "No" and I listened to her. The next time I just ignored them. They're only cats after all!!!
I never really learned how to play which makes me sad but I know that I can learn. My lady friend hops around and makes funny noises which I think is so cute. She is so happy when I jump around a little. I know that someday I will have a yard and a special person and then I will play with the best of them. I do have good manners and know sit, lay down and I will even shakes paws with you. I am also housebroken which is something that I am very proud of.
Please don't get all kissy with me right away. Let me sort of check you our first because I need to learn how to trust again and I know that I will if given a chance.
I want my own mommy and daddy so very much. I want a soft, warm bed and a loving pat on the back. I want a special person to love me and give me a "forever home". Please get me out of the cage that I live in now. I am so afraid that one day soon may be my last day. I don't want to die! I want a "forever home". Please help me! Please! I will give you my paw if you do and I will love you forever!!
West LA City Shelter 310-207-3266 Tues-Sat 8-5, Sun 11-5
11361 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Contact: Samantha Westbrook, NEW HOPE COORDINATOR
213-485-0494 / CELL 213-792-5811
Monday, October 25, 2010
Little guys who need a hand at WLA: Owen & Pookie
For one thing, both dogs have the dreaded yellow mark on their kennel cards which is very misleading. Pookie is totally shell shocked having come from a home with an elderly woman who was around all the time. She eventually had to move to senior home where she couldn't have a dog. So poor little Pookie had to come to the shelter.
Pookie is rather introverted so far, but he likes people once he knows them a little. He sits very nicely with me and lets me handle him freely. He's such a little sweetheart, I feel so sorry for him...
Luckily, he likes his roommate Owen and he's doing okay with him other than picking up some "bad" habits like barrier aggression which doesn't look good if you're trying to see the dog's personality! He's not like that at all once out of the kennel, silly dog!
Now Owen, also a total cutie pie, is not really fearful like Pookie, but rather he is frustrated by the inability to interact freely with people. His response to this is barrier aggression which makes him seem kinda scary... But if you take him out of the kennel, he's a doll! He and I ran all around the yard and then I gave him a bath. He did very well on all counts and was extremely cute the whole time. I had no problems with him at all. I couldn't figure out why he's not been adopted!
But then I got some more info on his history... Apparently Owen should be the only dog and isn't great with kids. I haven't seen his bad behavior first hand but apparently he has some issues with becoming possessive of his people and his dog friends. Silly boy. But he's very food motivated and responsive so I'm confident with some training and behavior modification he can improve. He's a very young boy and very trainable. Don't let a good dog mind go to waste!
Owen needs to find a home soon... He's been at the shelter way too long!!!! He's been there since August!!!
Come meet these wonderful little dudes at the West LA Shelter today!
For more info:
Friday, October 22, 2010
More excitment! LAAS reveals new FOSTER program for shelters!
City of Los Angeles s Department of Animal Services
221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles, California 90012
For Immediate Release
October 21, 2010
Contact: Brenda F. Barnette, General Manager
How You Can Help From Home
Immediate Foster Homes Needed! Our Animal Care Centers are filled to over flowing. You can become a volunteer hero by opening a spare room, garage or basement to an adult dog or cat that will benefit from home care and a break from the shelter! We will assign you a foster animal who matches your lifestyle and animal experience. Time commitment can range from one to eight weeks or occasionally longer. All you need is a room (even a bathroom) and some spare time. We will provide fosters with basic training, all supplies, any necessary medications, and access to someone to answer your questions.
To join the Foster Program, please call our West Valley Animal Care Center at (213) 485-8405, Harbor Animal Care Center at (213) 485-8755 or email for more information. This is open to anyone who has a big heart and some extra room in your home!
About the Foster Parent Program:
Fostering is a rewarding and enriching experience, and is a great volunteer project for families or individuals who love animals but cannot commit to having a full-time animal companion. Fostering a cat or adult dog does take time, but not as much time as you might think. And a long term commitment isn’t necessary – even if you can only foster one time, you are still doing a wonderful thing by helping a cat or dog in need.
Said General Manager Brenda Barnette, "Our Los Angeles City Animal Care Centers have the most fabulous dogs and cats anywhere. Unfortunately, we have so many wonderful orphaned animals that we have run out of space and are not able to give them the time and attention they deserve while we find them a new home. You can help and you will truly be making a life-saving difference".
Perhaps you have been thinking about adding a dog or cat to your family but you just aren’t ready for the 15-20 year commitment? By fostering, you can provide temporary care for a dog, cat, puppy, or kitten all the while receiving satisfaction in knowing that without your help, these animals would have otherwise had no chance at all. Best of all, adult dogs and cats placed in foster care will be spayed or neutered before they go home with you and we promise to give your foster pet as long as it takes to get him or her a home of her own. More experienced fosters may raise and socialize puppies and kittens until they are 8 weeks old and ready to be spayed or neutered and adopted.
Please consider fostering a pet – you’ll be a hero for the animals and they will love you for it!
WLA celebrates National Pit Bull Awareness Day this weekend!

We are located at: 11361 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064 - very close to the 405 and 10 freeways!
View Larger Map
Thursday, October 21, 2010
SUPERLATIVES ARE NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!! Luna A1159270 @ SLA shelter today

Luna (A1159270, 2 years, a sizable 60 pounds) is a miracle dog. This canine is categorically one of the best ever. Gentle, attentive, a great leash walker, an absolute people charmer who loves even the littlest baby, Luna was not ashamed in the least to be kissing another girl in the hallway. When her tongue came out and dusted Bessy's nose and mouth, then washed off every bit of dirt that might have been on or around her snout, everyone around had to giggle. Luna's so big and she's so gentle. Her fawn brindle coat is like velvet to the touch. A perfect therapy dog perhaps -- but definitely a fine example of how the most wonderful dogs wind up at the shelter. She needs to delight many more people -- as soon as possible. Best way is to adopt her today. Call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And kindly let us know that her moonglow is lighting up your home.
With thanks, Andrea & Mindy
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
2 GREAT dogs NEED a HOME TODAY: Romeo & Fiona at WLA

"Great Dog! Great Personality!" were the words used by one of the volunteer trainers in describing Fiona. Fiona is a young tan and white spayed pit bull terrier who was found running around with several other dogs near some stables. She has called the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter her home since June 13, 2010. She is thought to be about 1 1/2 yrs. old. Fiona is a high energy dog who loves to play in the yard. Chasing balls is one of the joys of her life. She does not show well in her shelter environment but once she gets out and experiences a little bit of freedom her true personality shines through. Her wish is to find a "forever" home and a yard of her very own where she could frolic and sniff to her heart's content. Fiona is stronger than she looks and needs leash training but she is a smart girl and would be an ideal candidate for training.
They tell me that my last day is Oct. 14, 2010. I don't understand why that has to be because my lady friends at the shelter both human and doggie think that I am sweet and handsome. Yes I do get along with the ladies! I love, love, love to play ball but you already know that. I'm smart so I know that I will soon learn to "leave it" when I'm told to do that but I do so love that ball. I have a lot of energy so I am the happiest when I can run but my volunteer friends compliment me on how nicely I walk. I'm only 1 1/2 yrs old and I need a chance to make someone happy. I've already been neutered so I'm ready to go to my "forever home" as soon as someone wonderful comes for me. Please help me go home!!!
To Adopt Fiona or Romeo:
11361 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Contact: Samantha Westbrook, NEW HOPE COORDINATOR
Friday, October 1, 2010
URGENT: Senior dog Franny at WLA needs a RESCUE today! ID# A1121217

I LOVE LIFE!!! I love to play catch and chase the water!!
I'm 8 but I still feel like a puppy....and the ladies at the shelter used to make me feel so special...
Franny is a beautiful 8 yr. old spayed female tan and white Labrador Retriever mix. She was found as a stray and has been at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter since June 5, 2010. Franny is a happy dog with the spirit of a puppy. She has a delightful personality and a very gentle temperament. Her tail wags constantly but especially when she is in the yard running or playing ball. She plays a mean game of catch and rarely misses and trying to catch water coming out of a hose is great fun for Franny. She is very easy to walk on leash and knows "sit". Sadly Franny is "rescue only" at this time because of an unfortunate incident where a child managed to stick his finger in her run and Franny bit him. Franny now has to pay the price for a parent's lack of supervision of their child. Franny is a lovely, sweet older dog who deserves to spend the last years of her life in the comfort of a home where she is loved and where someone will play ball with her. Please help Franny find her home.... She is too stressed at the shelter to really know how she is with other dogs so it's best that she is an only dog until a proper assessment can be done.
Frannie ID# A112121711361 W. Pico Blvd Los Angeles 90064
Cell: 213 792 5811
Shelter: 213 485 0494/0495/0496
Hours: Tue-Sat: 8-5, Sun: 11-5, Closed Mondays
Monday, September 20, 2010
Get your red-hot dog license plates right here! Save Lives!

Dear Friends:
Roughly three months ago, we unveiled the California Spay and Neuter Specialty License Plate (a.k.a. the Pet Lovers Plate) and announced that it was available for pre-order. Needless to say, we are excited about the response, but we need your help. As of today, we currently received approximately 1,600 pre-orders, and while it’s not the 7,500 that’s required, we’re well on our way!
What can YOU do to help?
1. Volunteer to work a table at an event. We have events coming up all over the state, and need volunteers. Please email me at if you will help.
2. Tell your friends, family and business associates about the plate!
3. Place a web banner advertising the plate on YOUR website or Facebook page! (Banners can be found on
4. Send an email to all of your pet-loving contacts!
5. Email us at if you would like us to send you some brochures or a banner(s). Distribute them at your local car wash, hair salon, or dry cleaners, etc. and help spread the word!
Here’s what we are doing:
1. We will continue to advertise and promote the plate throughout California.
2. We will continue collecting pre-orders until we reach 7,500.
This step of the process could take months, and is solely based on how quickly we receive the requisite number of pre-orders.
3. Once 7,500 pre-orders have been placed, the DMV will be notified and will begin the processing and production of the plates.
Like step 2, this step could also take a number of months.
4. The DMV will contact the pet lovers that ordered the new plates regarding personalization or when they are ready for pick-up at the DMV location you selected on your pre-order.
Please help us reach our goal and buy your plate today if you haven’t already. Also, please offer to volunteer and help us spread the word at various events throughout the state. Proceeds from the plate will provide funding for free or low-cost spay & neuter surgeries across California, and also help to raise awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering.
Kindest regards,
Judie Mancuso, Social Compassion
The California Spay & Neuter License Plate Fund
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
RESCUED!!! Ghost Dog, Luke A4183774 at the Downey Shelter
This one photo of him tells the story of a thousand words.
Please help him!!!!
Charlotte Fails is tracking pledges and you can email
It's Chow time! Two beauties, mother and son A1149450 & A1149452

Many thanks, Andrea & Mindy (323) 363-4909
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Family Favs at West LA today! Wonderful dogs to adopt...

Baby is a mellow girl. Loves all people, adults and kids alike! She would be a great dog for anyone and any family. Come meet her today at the WLA shelter.

She is great with people and even gets on well with other dogs. She loves going on walks and meeting new people along the way. She is very strong and does pull a bit on leash but once she is over the initial excitement she's fine. Overall, she is a terrific dog and would be happy in many situations.
Come meet her and if she's sleeping, wake her up!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Peekaboo (A1140648, just 5 months old, on medical alert and needs out NOW!!!) at SLA shelter

Peekaboo (A1140648, just 5 months old, on medical alert and needs out NOW!!!) was originally brought into the shelter with her two sisters back in early August. The girls were all adopted -- Peekaboo into a home that kept her for about 3 weeks, then returned her to the shelter, claiming they had "no home". Somehow, these people failed to mention that they were dumping this precious puppy with a fracture of her femoral head, leaving her limping and horribly depressed.
Forget that now -- together we must save Peekaboo's life, get her the surgery she needs, and prove to her that there are those she can trust, those who will laugh at her antics, and those who will protect and cherish her for the rest of her life. If you want to be the one to play hide-and-seek with Peekaboo, please call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And if you would like to pledge funds towards a qualified rescue who can get Peekaboo the surgery she needs, please let us know.
We thank you, Andrea & Mindy
(323) 363-4909
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sweet Pea A1113718 at WLA Shelter Pit Bull lovers only!
Sweet Pea, 6 year old PBT, totally sweet & ball obsessed! She needs out ASAP... Don't wait until the last minute, she's a sweet girl who deserves a home.
West LA Shelter
11361 W. Pico Blvd Los Angeles 90064
Cell: 213 792 5811
Shelter: 213 485 0494/0495/0496
Hours: Tue-Sat: 8-5, Sun: 11-5, Closed Mondays
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Oswald A1019941 at WLA needs a break!

Crazy cute and a little crazy! Look at this little guy, he’s quite a little piece of work! He’s gained a reputation for being a little mischievous, not always respecting his kennel mates. Oswald is fine with other dogs his size and even likes to play with them. He needs more time to become more socialized and learn how to interact more successfully with other dogs. However, he’s also a fine only child for the one dog household. An adult home would be best for him.
Ossie is super adorable, he looks like a Star Wars character! He loves to go on walks and frolic around the yard. He loves his people and likes to just relax with them given a chance. He hasn’t had a lot of chances to do that lately and this poor little kid has had a rough time dealing with the stress of the shelter. He needs a home…fast!
Oswald doesn’t shed, but will need grooming.
If you are interested in adopting a dog who needs some love and understanding, this is your boy. He does form strong bonds with his people and with some training this guy is bound to be a terrific companion!
OSWALD A1019941
Shelter: 213 485 0494/ 0495/ 0496
Cell: 213 7925811
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The dog days of August.= DOGS IN DANGER!!!

You may not have heard that this time of year is very difficult for shelter animals, especially dogs. It seems like more dogs come in and fewer get out. Everyone is on vacation, out of town and fewer dogs seemed to be rescued.
Over at WLA there are several dogs who are OUT OF TIME and will be killed in the coming weeks. Right now, 3 dogs have a death date of August 29th. Jazz, Donny and Tyler... These poor guys through no fault of their own are going to be victims of the system, if they don't get out this week.
Thanks to Mirja Bishop for the descriptions below...
DONNY - ID#A1110189
Donny is a 3 yr. old unaltered male, black and white American Staffordshire Terrier. He was picked up as a stray and has been at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter since April 26, 2010. Donny is described as a sweet boy who does well on his walks. He can be "all over the place" until he settles down. He likes to play ball and will exchange the ball for a treat. He is good on leash but has shown some signs of leash aggression. Donny does not like kittens or cats. He has played in the yard with a female dog and been quite friendly but not so with male dogs.
TYLER - ID#A1104733
Tyler is a 6 yr .old unaltered male, black and white Labrador Retriever mix. He was picked up as a stray and has been at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter since April 3, 2010. Tyler is described as being very intelligent. He corrects very easily when needed. He is easy to walk and shows his gratitude by wagging his tail the entire time. He is very friendly and loves to get treats. He did well when meeting another dog through the fence and is described as being good with other dogs unless they are aggressive towards him. He has shown some food aggression. He needs time and attention and then will connect with his handler. He is described as being a "sweet" dog.
JAZZ - ID#A1106409
Jazz is a 4 yr. old neutered male, brown and white American Staffordshire Terrier. He was picked up as a stray and has been at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter since April 10, 2010. He is described as a sweet boy who is a little timid. He knows "sit" and loves treats. He warms up quickly and enjoys being petted and brushed. He especially likes to have his tummy rubbed. He is described as being "all over the place" when first taken out of his run but is good with recall. He walks well on leash. He enjoys playing catch. He did exhibit a negative reaction to one of the other male dogs.
Samantha Westbrook
New Hope / Baby Bottle Coordinator
West Los Angeles Animal Care Center
11361 W. Pico Blvd, LA, CA 90064
Shelter: 213 485 0494/ 0495/ 0496
Cell: 213 792 5811
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Franny is YOUNG at HEART- A1121217 at WLA

"I'll play a game of catch with you if you like" would probably be the first words out of Franny's mouth if she could talk. The greatest joy in the life of this dog is to play catch. She has an amazing ability to catch a ball thrown to her from just about any distance. She does a good job of returning the ball and then waits patiently for the ball to be thrown again and again and again. Rarely does she miss!
Franny is a beautiful tan and white Labrador Retriever mix who is so much prettier than portrayed in this photo. She was found as a stray on June 5, 2010 and is currently housed at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter. Franny is described as an eight year old spayed female but may actually be a little older than that. The coloring on her muzzle is a little deceiving and perhaps the whiteness of it gives her an older look but it may also be part of her original color. In spirit this dog is young at heart and raring to go.
Franny appears to be in excellent physical condition. She has an amazing personality with a very gentle temperament and a happy, tail wagging disposition. She knows some commands such as "sit". She is very easy to walk on leash and does not appear to be dog reactive . In the play yard she loves to run around the yard with the volunteer never pulling, never straining at her leash and clearly enjoying the human contact that she has with the shelter staff and volunteers.
Franny is a delightful dog who because of her age may have more difficulty finding that forever home for the last years of her life. She would make a fantastic companion for just about anybody. She has obviously been part of a family that loved her because she is so comfortable and happy around people. Her wish now is that someone will look beyond the graying muzzle and see the inner beauty and love that she has to offer. She is a happy dog with a great joy for life besides she plays a mean game of catch!!!
Shelter: 213 485 0494/ 0495/ 0496
Cell: 213 7925811