This is a blog dedicated to the West Los Angeles shelter dogs. Here you will find useful information on these wonderful adoptable dogs and what type of person might be a good match for them. The main goal of this blog is to encourage more people to adopt shelter dogs! Please support SAAFLA, a non-profit organization that facilitates the rescue of shelter dogs as well as offering education and support to adopters of shelter dogs.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I LOVE this dog Gio! He is a doll! PLEASE help him out!
This is a great dog, super nice and easy going. Friendly and completely non-reactive. I think he's a great guy! I hate to see him die at the shelter.
Urgent! Please help put Marc de Luna out of the dog abuse business!!
Approximately two weeks ago, Marc De Luna was arrested on animal cruelty charges when he starved + severely neglected 67 dogs. If you are unfamiliar with
this case, take a look at this video.
Even though Marc DeLuna´s case is still in the investigation mode, it is
important that we all write professional letters and e-mails, stating that we
want him to be fully prosecuted for the horrible crime that he committed.
Please consider voicing your personal expectation as to how De Luna should be treated.
If you believe, as I and many others do that he should be charged with a
felony, please express this to both the DA and the Mayor. The more
letters and phone calls they receive, the stronger the is message that people
are concerned and are watching, expecting strong action by the City
Attorney's office. To date, De Luna is out on bail, facing a misdemeanor
Lee Goldberg with Animal Advocates suggested the following talking points for any letters or phone calls to Raul Salinas the DA for the City of South Gate:
1. Thank them for their efforts thus far with respect to the de Luna case.
2. Express their strong belief that de Luna's actions were so heinous as to
warrant felony criminal charges of animal cruelty.
3. Express their hope and expectation that the City Attorney's Office will pursue
the case against de Luna as aggressively as possible.
We should also encourage people to be respectful when contacting these folks and
emphasize that the investigation is ongoing, so it is not appropriate to attack
Contact information for Raul Salinas (the City Attorney for South Gate):
He is only at the South Gate office on Tuesdays - His direct dial is 323.563.9538
and the number to his assistant Dina is 323.563.9550 and
FAX is 323.569.2678 - I would also suggest scanning the signed letter and
emailing it to Mr. Salinas for Urgent delivery at
(his assistant's email).
Additionally, to reach Henry Gonzalez (the mayor for South Gate), call 323.563.9543.
South Gate City Hall Mailing Address = 8650 California Avenue o South Gate,
CA 90280
If you would like to donate to help the dogs that are now in a rescue, here are
links to two groups that took some of the dogs
To help Petey on his uphill battle to be as healthy as he was when
he checked in, please make all tax deductible donations payable to
Whiskers and Tails Foundation, Subject: Saving Petey.
an organization that took four dogs including one very sick dog named Kitchie.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Say good-by to Hollywood, unless someone gets him out of SLA NOW!

Look at this amazing dog!

Please make Hollywood your landmark. Call the South L.A. Shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
If possible, please drop me a line and let me know he is safe. Many thanks, Andrea
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hurry up! Gorgeous Newfie mix at SLA needs help NOW!

Buck (A1081559, only 10 months old, red-listed on 12/21 -- so time is nearly up!!!) is a sizable sweetheart. He is the strongman at the shelter and is just as goofy as he is big and broad. He does need a competent handler to teach him the rules. But, his energy is all positive and he loves everyone. Buck has been kenneled with other large dogs and is probably the submissive one in the group. He has met smaller dogs at a distance, was interested but kept his tail wagging. This bundle of joy needs a home -- and right away. If you want to cuddle up with a dog your own size, call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
And please let me know if you are the one to save him. I would love to pass along the good news.
Many thanks, Andrea
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Higgins (A1080366, already neutered, 9 years old, red-listed on 12/21 ? -- so nearly out of time) is such a proper and kindly gentleman. He's a cuddly-bear-sort of dog who somehow wound up in the shelter. He's made the best of it, entertaining his kennelmate Yogui whom he loves, wagging his tail at passers-by. But, when as darkness falls, Higgins fears. He fears that he may not make it out of the shelter alive. If you want a warm companion for these chilly nights, if you want a gentle soul who will love you unconditionally, please consider Higgins. You can meet him at the South L.A. shelter -- call them at (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
And kindly let me know that he is now smiling for you. Many thanks, Andrea
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bad picture, good boy. Roger at WLA
Roger is a great dog! Very chill, non-reactive to other dogs and easy on leash. He's about 8 years young and has lots of love and energy to give. I can even recommend Roger for an older person as he is very relaxed and easy to handle. Poor guy, he's lost a lot of weight at the shelter. He really needs a home where he can be warm and comfy and well fed! Don't you know a senior looking for a great companion???? Think Roger!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dogs at the shelter! Will they have a merry Xmas?

Such a good boy! Panda is a loving pitbull who gets along with other dogs and just wants
to give and get love. Panda is a shelter favorite. Seems to be okay in various situations, not reactive at adoption events and shows very well. He likes everyone! Very sweet!

I know why this guy is at the shelter! He's a fearful boy who knows how to use his teeth to relay
his message! IOW, ouch! That said, Red is really cute and actually a pretty nice guy once he gets to know you. I feel sorry for dogs suffering this kind of fear issue as it can really end up badly for everyone. I highly recommend his adopter to be an adult only family, one who can respect Red's need for space, one who will work with him and train him. Anything else probably will not be successful. Red seems okay with little dogs, but fear aggressive towards larger dogs. No cats!

Beautiful Beau, from day one I fell in love with this gentle giant. He is a very beautiful dog with those coal edged eyes. Such a looker! He's very sweet but slightly subdued. I don't know if this has to do with his being at the shelter or what. He responses great to me and didn't seem reactive to other dogs. Not sure if he's dog friendly at this point. He was pretty easy to handle on leash. I think he's great and certainly deserves a chance at life!

Humus is a funny little fellow. He's madly in love with some people and fearful of others. Once you gain his trust though, he is a velcro dog! He has a very adorable soulful face. He's really small and seems to be more head than anything else! What a character!! This boy is a snuggler so if you are in the market for a little lap doggie, Humus is your man! Best with adults!
West Los Angeles animal Shelter:
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
This kind of thing KILLS ME!!!! Pittie puppies are sweet!

Puppies don't come sweeter than Maddox. He is completely submissive, undeniably loving (it was hard to get him to stand still for photos -- tail continually wagging, body twisting and wriggling and all over the place), and unprepared for a world that won't treat him with decency. Please protect him from that fate that awaits. Call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
And kindly let me know -- I'm very concerned. Andrea
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Debbie, she's an energetic lady!
Debbie is one amazing dog! She has a lot of energy and personality! She is one of those Rat Terriers who really make me laugh. Debbie would be great with a little more training and some activities to do. I could see her in agility!
Debbie would be better with older kids, but she'd be a great family dog.
She's fine with small dogs, but she is rather bossy. Typical!
Btw, the shelter has her listed as a Jack Russel but I think she's a Rat Terrier.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Amazing shelter dog tails: Betty's Thanksgiving
November 28, 2009 – San Pedro, CA,
A fourteen-year old dog, who escaped being put to sleep, twice, is returned to its original owner after five years apart. The dog, known as, “Betty” who spent the past couple of months at the Harbor Shelter in San Pedro, CA and was destined to be euthanized, was returned today, to the owner, who had originally adopted her at age 3-months, fourteen years ago.
A string of unlikely events brought Betty back to the owner, Kathryn Owensby, who adopted her from a Modesto, CA animal shelter fourteen years ago. The owner then moved over four hundred miles from Modesto to Long Beach, CA and brought her dog with her. Five years ago, she was forced to leave her beloved Labrador-mix with friends, when she moved back to Northern California. Fast forward five years and the Owensby was finally in a position to ask if she could take her beloved, “Kimmy” back. The friends she left the dog with, said no.
A couple of months ago, a tired, arthritic, grey-muzzled, old, black labrador-mix was brought into the Harbor Shelter in San Pedro, CA. She was named Betty at the shelter. She patiently waited to be picked-up, day after day, until, finally, due to space and time-limitations, her time was up and she was scheduled to be euthanized. A volunteer at the shelter, Nichola Gore-Jones took Betty for what she thought was her last walk. When she returned to the kennel, she said a tearful goodbye to the old girl and gave her a pile of biscuits as a farewell gift. But something special about this grateful old dog made her go to the shelter supervisor and ask if Betty could have one more week, to give Gore-Jones time to network the dog on the internet. The supervisor agreed.
Gore-Jones said, “With so many dogs desperate to find homes, we can’t save them all, but there was something so appealing about Betty that made me want to give it one more try.”
One week passed and no one came to adopt the dog. Now scheduled to be euthanized on a Sunday, the volunteer was standing at Betty’s cage on the day prior, when a woman, recording artist, Terri Lee Holm, asked if the shelter had an appropriate dog for an 80-year old man. Gore-jones & the rescuers she was chatting with suggested Betty. Holm agreed, but said she couldn’t pick the dog up for a week. But the shelter can’t hold dogs to wait for them to be picked-up, so the volunteer said she’d pay to board the dog for the week at a local veterinary clinic, if only Holm would adopt her.
Following a week in boarding, Holm and Betty made the two-hour trip from Los Angeles to Big Bear, CA to meet Holm’s 80-year-old father, who, having recently lost a beloved dog, said he just couldn’t take Betty. She understood her father’s reluctance and decided to try to find another home for Betty, rather than return her to the shelter. The dog did have a microchip, so Holm contacted the microchip company and found a telephone number for a prior owner. She called the number and after more research and many phone calls, finally found the dog’s original owner on Thanksgiving Day, who informed her that she had been trying to get “Kimmy” (aka Betty), back for a several years, but the family she had left her with five years before refused to give her up.
Owensby, who still lives in Modesto, CA, happened to be in the Los Angeles area for the holiday weekend, so, on the day after Thanksgiving, Holm drove from Big Bear, CA to Paramount, CA to reunite Kimmy with her original owner, the one she had been adopted by at 3-months old, fourteen years ago.
Kimmy returned to her original family, to the now, 13-year old child she grew up with and to the loving arms of her ecstatic, original adopter, Owensby, who says, “I’ll never let her go again! She’s never going to have to worry about anything ever again.”
Gore-Jones says, “It took several twists of fate and the help of several animal lovers, for this wonderful Thanksgiving reunion to happen. To me, every dog is worth saving and just one happy ending makes it all worthwhile!”
Peyton's place shouldn't be the shelter!
Rescue only: Lucky hasn't been so lucky...YET!
P.S. Lucky did not bite an employee on intake. There is nothing in his history at the shelter to support this claim.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This is a pretty comprehensive list of renter's websites that can help:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Video showing the Lancaster Shelter!
If this doesn't get you to a shelter, I don't know what will!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Diesel Pollo (A0813266, 3 yrs old, big brown goofball, red-listed on 11/15/09 TO DIE 11/25
Diesel has until Wednesday, 5 p.m. All set to have his bath before the Best Friends event, all set to be rescued - he acted goofy and chewed the bars of the truck door -- and lost a few teeth in the process. Had to stay at the shelter -- couldn't join the other doggies and people. But, he's still smiling -- and hoping. Diesel has until end of day Wednesday, 11/25!!!! Diesel is all ready to go home and join you for Thanksgiving. His sister Dana, adopted separately, will be enjoying her family that day. Let's hope that Diesel will do the same.
Diesel Pollo (A0813266, 3 yrs old, big brown goofball, red-listed on 11/15/09 -- the day of Best Friends, the day he should have been rescued!!!!!) was all set for his pre-Best Friends bath. He was so excited to get out of the truck and into the tub -- that he chewed on the bars of the truck door and got stuck.
It wasn't pretty, it was bloody, and he lost some teeth in the process.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gillee A1075516, 2 year old golden retriever with the cutest sharpei nose!!!! Urgent!
Such a lovely girl, patiently waiting in her ISO cage, alone. When the door opens, Gillee (A1075516, 2 year old golden retriever with the cutest sharpei nose, was red-listed on 11/15 -- so out of time this Sunday) springs up, tail wagging. And while we might think that the red around her eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks are from crying because she can't come out and play, the truth is that poor little Gillee has some type of skin infection around her eyes. Skin scrapings did not show anything and she will need further treatment to find out what is going on.
Please consider this loving girl who has seen only neglect in her young life. Call the South L.A. Shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119 to save her and make that tail wag again.
Kindly let me know as well. Thanks for caring about shelter dogs.
Andrea (323) 363-4909
Roman A1075340, neutered, sharpei/pit mix missed out on Best Friends...
Roman (A1075340, neutered, sharpei/pit mix, red-listed on 11/15 and needs out immediately) was attacked by another dog -- the day before he was supposed to join us at Best Friends -- the day before he would undoubtedly have been rescued, his life spared. Instead, he suffered at the jaws of another who refused to let go of his ear. Teeth sunk in, blood poured out. But, Roman didn't fight back, his strength of character, his gentle nature, held firm.
How can this sad-eyed, trusting soul now lose his life for something he didn't do? The vet staff spared him in the hopes that we could find someone to have pity, to have love for this boy whose family lost their home and brought him to the shelter -- another big brown dog without a chance. His bandages will fall off in time, his ear will heal (needs vet treatment!!) -- and the memory will fade. Please help Roman find love again. Call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
Many thanks, Andrea (323) 363-4909
Bowie (A1075979, 2 year old lab/hound) so sweet!
Bowie (A1075979, 2 year old lab/hound, red-listed on 11/15 -- so has until 11/22!!!) has been in ISO while at the shelter -- so few have had the pleasure to make his acquaintance. Because Bowie has a luxated elbow. An old injury, abnormally healed, Bowie walks like an old cowboy who has been on one too many trail rides -- sweeping his front left leg out to the side, in a circular motion, then bringing it back in. But, while he doesn't seem to care much and gets around with speed, he needs to see an orthopedist.
And kindly let me know. With appreciation for all those who spread the word on these shelter dogs,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Best Friend Mega Adoption Event returns to La Brea Tar Pits this weekend!

Best Friends Animal Society invites you and your family to the Pet Adoption Festival!
Does mingling, shopping, catching a show (did we mention there would be "Dancing With Dogs!') and making a love connection with a new furry family member - tingle your whiskers? Then you won't want to miss this event.
What: Pet Adoption Festival
When: Sunday, November 15, 2009 (11 am until 4 pm)
Where: LaBrea Tar Pits (5801 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036)
Featuring all kinds of adoptable pets - from local rescues and shelters - this will be the premier place to add a rescue pet to your family. With family activities like dog agility shows and face painting, this is guaranteed fun for everyone!
Have Can - Will Travel!
You can help the homeless animals of your area by donating unopened, unexpired cans of pet food at the event. Every can counts!
For more information on upcoming events please check out
Gorgeous Java at SLA, needs your help today!

Java (A1072874, 3 year old, gorgeous merle-patterned pit with a large white speck in one eye, red-listed on 11/7 -- so totally out of time) is strikingly handsome and a bit of a ham. He's a big puppy, just mischievous enough yet sweet as they come, gets along with his kennel mate and even enjoyed the little dogs that we passed -- not responding when they barked at him through the kennel bars.

Java is in danger at South L.A. and needs out immediately. If you want to put his picture on your bag of food, please call the shelter at once at (213) 485-0117 or -0119 and save his life.
Kindly let me know as well. Thanks so much, Andrea (323) 363-4909
SO SAD SABRINA SEEKING...lovely girl from SLA shelter

Sabrina has been in ISO, sad and bored. But, when you have a bad cold, you have to rest and can't go out with your friends. When we took her out for photos last night, I could not believe how this sweet soul sprang to life. The tail was wagging non-stop, the tongue was licking constantly, as she greeted every dog along the way. Behind cage bars, out in the lobby (where she startled a shih tzu that was being rescued with her antics, gentle though they were), she pranced and jumped and was so excited. While she was truly an angel with us -- you can see it in her cuddly poses -- her real passion is other dogs, any size or shape.

Sabrina (A1072367, only 11 months old, red-listed on 11/4 -- so definitely out of time) is loved by the medical staff who treat her. They specifically asked that we network her. She is that important!!!! Still on meds for kennel cough but has improved greatly and she does have a bit of demodex on her eyebrow -- both conditions that should not cost Sabrina her life.

Please consider her this weekend of Best Friends -- take her home as a playmate for your dog! Call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And kindly let me know if you can save so sad Sabrina and make her happy.
Thanks, Andrea (323) 363-4909
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Shyla, not so shy at all. She's the friendliest dog EVER!
This pretty girl has been at the shelter now for too long and if she doesn't find a home, she won't make it out of the shelter.
She is a great size, not too big, not too small. She's very friendly and an all around great gal! She's worked with at-risk kids in the K9 Connection program. All dogs who get to participate in this program are temperament tested and she passed with flying colors!
8 month old Rottie to be PTS at SLA. A tragedy...


QUICK ENOUGH TO BE RUNNING BACK. (Here tackled on the 2 yard line, toy in mouth, goal to go.)

And smart enough to be the referee. Just watch this instant replay :
Heisman (A1072147, 8 month old rottie puppy, with his full and bushy tail!!!, red-listed on 11/7 -- so out of time this weekend) is an athletic star. He's powerful and does need some training. Was kenneled with another big, submissive dog.

Adopt him and you'll have a champion in your home. Call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And please let me know that he has joined your team.
Thanks, Andrea (323) 363-4909
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sad Tails from South LA...Adopt don't Shop!

Once upon a time, a little poodle came into the shelter horribly matted and filthy on the outside -- so shy yet so sweet underneath. The kind staff saw his distress and set up an appointment at the shelter spa and beauty salon. A bath and shave, Tails looking so adorable -- but for a large welt on his tail, raw and sore. He's been on meds to help but little Tails (A1072914, 2 year old poodle mix, red-listed on 11/8 so needs out by this Sunday) still likes to chew on that old spot. Who knows if he might even lose that tail because of an uncaring owner who never cared for him?

Tails wants nothing more than to cuddle in your lap. After a sad life of neglect, this little angel deserves a new start. If you would enjoy a snuggler and a sweetheart, if you want to save Tails, call the South L.A. shelter at once : (213) 485-0117 or -0119.
Many thanks, Andrea

SLA shelter sweeties need YOUR help today!

ALL WE WANT TO DO IS SMILE -- AND BE A PART OF YOUR LIFE. It's always heart-breaking to see early impound numbers back at the shelter. Blade (A0749462) and Cosita (A0749464) were adopted as puppies. Now 6 years old, brought back. Shy, not used to other dogs (best adopted as the only dogs because of their strong bond) or people (today much more socialized). From a home of happiness to a shelter of uncertainty and fear? And now red-listed, scheduled to die on 11/14!!! Perpetually smiling, these two are absolutely endearing. (here's the video link to paste in your brower :

The deep bond they share, Cosita always kissing Blade's muzzle when he would hide behind the dividing wall of the kennel, afraid to approach; their walks in unison, never more than a step or two apart; Blade allowing Cosita to eat the treats first, content to watch her enjoyment (you can tell she is a little bit on the chunky side!).
That is how they have survived. But, they won't survive past this weekend unless someone saves them. If you can help, call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And kindly let me know as well. These two are very, very dear to me.
Thanks for caring about shelter dogs -- They need our help now more than ever.
Andrea (323) 363-4909