Baguette (A1107427, 2 years old, on alert since April 17th, for a case of demodex that is nearly gone) is a little sweetheart. When given a cat test yesterday, he shook in fear -- and crawled right back into the ACT's lap. Here's a video (paste link into your browser, might have to click a couple of times to get it) of this bow-legged sweetheart, cuddling and prancing. No need to say more -- just watch and he will surely capture your heart. http://picasaweb.google.com/
Baguette is too good to wait for a sale. Snatch him up today. Call the South L.A. shelter at (213) 485-0117 or -0119. And please let us know that you are taking him. It's so encouraging to hear good news and others always ask us when a dog disappears from the website. Thanks much, Andrea & Mindy ivegonetothedogs@gmail.com (323) 363-4909
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